Thursday 30 October 2014

Marvel and DC : Clash of the Titans

As you may already know, that Marvel and DC are at war, literally. Lets break down the chronology of the war.

  • Marvel started the war by suddenly confirming that Ironman/Tony Stark will be joining Captain America/ Steve Rodgers in the next Captain America movie.

  • Than DC suddenly dropped the bomb on Marvel when they announced their 8 movies line up that will start hitting theaters on 2016 to 2020. Plus they have some unannounced standalone Batman and Superman movie too.

  • Couple of days later, Marvel retaliate with a leaked Avengers: Age of Ultron trailer. That hit was strong but not strong enough to take down DC.

  • Not long after that, Marvel continued their attack with their own very powerful bomb by announcing 8 movies line up that will hit theaters on 2016-2019.
 Now. lets break down, what are we going to see in this war for the years to come.

For 2015, it will not be a war yet because of the absence of  DC movies but still i'm stoked for next year's most anticipated comic book movie Avengers age of Ultron.

Avengers: Age of Ultron (MARVEL)

Ant-Man (MARVEL)

Fantastic Four (MARVEL, FOX)

This year is when s**t got serious. We have Captain America VS Batman v Superman. We have Sinister Six VS Suicide Squad. Woah.. Do not forget the X- Men and Deadpool movie. Plus MARVEL is going to introduce the magical part of the of their universe with the sorcerer supreme Dr Strange. Looking forward to this year.

Captain America: Civil War (MARVEL)

Dr. Strange (MARVEL)

X-Men : Apocalypse (MARVEL, FOX)

Deadpool (MARVEL, FOX)
Deadpool (red) vs Taskmaster(white)

Sinister Six (MARVEL, SONY)
Spiderman Vs The Sinister Six

Batman v Superman (DC)

Suicide Squad (DC)

Firtsly, let us ignore the untitled movies for a while. Lets talk things that were confirmed. 3 movies from MARVEL and 2 from FOX. We will also see 2 movies from DC. This is the year Black Panther and Justice League appear on the big screen for the first time. I'm already so happy. If the untitled movie is also confirmed, just look at the number of superheroes we are getting that year. Just MARVELous. Im hoping for a Venom movie. Do it SONY!

Guardians of the Galaxy 2 (MARVEL)
Guardians and Ironman

Thor 3 :Ragnarok (MARVEL)

Thor vs Surtur

Black Panther (MARVEL)
Black Panther and his wife, Storm(XMEN)

Wolverine (MARVEL, FOX)

Fantastic Four (MARVEL, FOX)

Untitled Movie (MARVEL, SONY)

Untitled Movie (MARVEL, SONY)

Wonder Woman (DC)

Justice League Part One (DC)

Same here, lets ignore the untitled movie first. We are going to get 3 MARVEL movies and also 2 DC movies.  A lot of new faces such as Captain Marvel/ Carol Denvers and the Inhumans. I think that The Flash and Aquaman will make an appearance in Justice League so they are not really 'new'. However it is their first standalone movie. Based on my prediction, the untitled FOX movie should be a X- Men sequel. As you can see, there are X- Men movies on 2014 and 2016 so its possible for us to get one more movie on 2018. If that happens, they will have to go toe to toe with Inhumans which are said to be MARVEL'S answer to FOX'S X-Men. The untitled SONY movie should be The Amazing Spiderman 3. Yeah Spiderman should continue his saga.

Captain Marvel (MARVEL)

Inhumans (MARVEL)

Avengers: Infinity War Part 1 (MARVEL)

Untitled Movie (MARVEL , FOX)

Untitled Movie (MARVEL , SONY)

The Flash (DC)

Aquaman (DC)

Not saying much for 2019. Its gonna be Avengers VS Justice League. These two movie will go on a battle that the world has never seen before.  Epic. Awesome. Dreams come true! I personally think there will be more future MARVEL, FOX and SONY announcements but it so not my thing to speculate things that are 5 years ahead of my time. So i'll just wait.

Avengers: Infinity Wars Part 2 (MARVEL)

Justice League Part 2 (DC)

Shazam (DC)

Looks like DC will go with Cyborg and a rebooted Green Lantern movie. For MAVEL,FOX and SONY, we would just have to wait until they make an announcement. I think MARVEL will announce sequels for their Ant Man, Dr Strange and all the other character in their phase 3. Hopefully some more Deadpool and X- Men stuff from FOX. I have no idea on SONY. Just wait and see.

Cyborg (DC)

Green Lantern (DC)

All and all, these giant studios are gearing up and boosting their productivity rate to 'suck' our money. I hope I am still alive and well up until 2020. HAHA. 

To know how I get this line up, click on these links.

Thank You for reading. Have a good day!

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