Saturday 24 May 2014

Marvel movies explained

First off, I would like to address to all people. There night be Spoilers Ahead! So.. You were warned!!

Marvel's comic has about 8000++  characters and theres about a hundred (ABOUT) that has made the silver screen appearances.  Characters from the Avengers , Xmen, Fantastic 4,  and Spiderman Universe supposedly share the same universe but due to the filming rights, that will not happen. Just not until 20 years from now(maybe). 

Apparently Marvel characters filming rights are owned by Marvel Entertainment(owned by Disney), 20th Century Fox and Sony Entertainment Pictures. Here is too lighten things up.
  This is a venn-diagram representation of the marvel movie rights

As you can see, Sony have rights for Spiderman and venom(and also all spiderman's foe). This simply tells us that there will be no Spiderman and the Avengers teaming up as the Avengers are owned by Marvel Studios.. Get it? 

Theres always confusion at the part where 20th Century Fox shares Quicksilver and Scarlet Witch with Marvel, well that simply happens as Marvel originally owns them. 

I have hopes that one day these big companies will put aside their pride and money to actually make the avengers , xmen and spiderman on the same movie. That will be (kinda) impossible but still.. It would be AWESOME. I want movies like the Marvel's Civil War where all marvel superheroes were divided into two and fight each other!. Cool isn't it?? My fingers crossed!
Marvel's Comic: Civil War poster

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