Monday 11 August 2014

Into the Storm

I went to watch Into the Storm last week and this is my thought of it. There might be some spoiler ahead. You've been warn.

This movie is about some storm chaser who wanted to film tornadoes and wish to do to. Then they finally find it in a small town called Silverton. Then they met a single father who is a teacher and his son trying to save his other son. They helped the teacher as his car is damaged because of the storm.

I had a few troubles writing the synopsis because the movie was quite uncertain. In the end I was lucky to still understand the flow. After sometimes watching this, I asked myself "when am I going to see the storm"? Its a movie about storm but it still takes a lot of time building the story (Yeah. 30 minutes is a lot) to the point the storm hits the ground. But to tell you, it was worth waiting. The storm was a spectacle I cannot describe using words. Its like hearing Godzilla's mighty roar but this time a bit more destructive. I had goosebumps every time I see a tornadoes. I would categorized this a Sci-Fi as this thing is yet to happen but the way the director picturing this phenomena was terrifying enough to make feel scared looking at those black cloud after I left the cinema. The casting choice was okay. There were some character that was misplaced. There are people who existed without any reason in the movie. The ending was a kinda irrational but I still accept it because I supposed there is a great explanation behind all of those things that happen(optimist). This wasn't a big letdown but I think they should do better. For movie like this, sometimes you don't care about those people(characters), you just wanna experience the Storm.

Overall, it was a nice audio and visual experience with the storm(only the storm) but still lacking in the story line. The foreplay should be more thrilling and exciting. Recommended for people who loves disaster movie. For me this is better than 2012. A glimmering 3 stars.

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