Wednesday 20 August 2014

The Expendables 3

I went to watch The Expendables 3 last week and this is my thought of it. There might be some spoiler ahead. You've been warn

The Expendables team were on a mission to take a kind of weapon when suddenly Barney( Stallone) saw his old fellow Expendables that should be dead a long time ago. After Ceaser(Terry Crews) was injured and nearly died, Barney decided to stop all their works as the Expendables.

First thing, leave LOGIC aside. This movie sometimes was very illogical.The storyline was ok because of the newer and a deeper conflict they had. The characters was ok but there was some unnecessary character in. They surely wanna put a more fresher and young faces but some of them was a little bit out of place and sometimes irrelevant. That computer guy was the only one addition that I agree on. The others? Not so much. Those new old actors were kinda irrelevant too. Of all the casting, I still praise Mel Gibson as the villain. He was like pure evil  and so passionate in destroying the good guys. Sadly there wasn't enough room for him to expand his 'evilness'.The acting was still a little bit less than good(Except for Mel Gibson. He was the best in the movie). I don't know. I just didn't like it. Do not get me started with Antonio Banderas. His character was beyond annoying. The sound score was ok. It was 'Expendable-ish'. The action sequence was really good and it was better than the other two movies(although there was this helicopter scene that was so illogical and a direct take from The A-team). Lastly, the jokes was ok, I didn't get all the older movie references but I still  chuckles after the jokes were told.

I wished this movie was better but it sure wasn't. I had a good time but I think I deserved  more. Recommended for action loving older people. 3 stars(It was 2.5 but I had reconsidered it).

::Sad Story::
 I felt sorry after the leaked version went viral. This movie is currently a flop. Poor Lionsgate. People watched it for free.

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