Thursday 21 August 2014


I just came back to watch Lucy and this is my review of it. Careful there might be some spoilers ahead. You've been warned.

Lucy was a student in Taiwan and she had a friend called Richard. Richard forces Lucy to deliver a case to a man named Jang. Lucy was then forced to send the package to somewhere in Europe. She was held captive before the flight. The package, that was put inside her stomach leaked after being kicked in the stomach. The drug then change her by making her capable to discover more than just 10% of her brain capacity.

This was a sci-fi thriller. The word sci-fi meant a lot. The whole movie started to get really illogical when she reached 40%. Please keep that in your mind. The storyline was so simple it bores me. Lucy has this awesome powers and she used it once. The power that you could see in the trailers, the one when she put everyone to sleep except one person, she used it once. She could use it all the time to solve all her problem but she didn't. The characters was ok and the casting was ok. Everybody really played a role in the movie. There were no stray actors. Scarlett Johansson's acting was brilliant. Her transition from a normal person to an abnormal person can be seen and felt. Morgan Freeman made felt he was really a neuroscientist. Who am I kidding those two were world class actors. The visual effects was decent but a little bit creepy sometimes. The music score was nice. I like the song during the end credits. The action sequences were ok. I like it when she drove tat police car. It was cool.

This movie was OK. That's all. It was cool but I gotta admit it was a little bit boring and creepy. Real creepy. Poeple who scared of blood should not watch this movie. A 3 stars for trying. Recommended for Scarletts's biggest fans, sci-fi lovers and neuroscientist-to-be nerds.

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