Thursday, 8 October 2015

Ant Man and The Wasp announced

Just before New York Comic Con started Marvel dropped a great news for us fans when they announced that an Ant Man sequel named 'Ant Man and The Wasp' was added to the phase 3 movie slate. Scott Lang will return alongside Hope Van Dyne on July 6, 2018. The sequel will mark the first Marvel Studios film named after its heroine. 

This addition has led to a couple of other films shifting their dates,with Marvel’s 
  • Black Panther moving up to February 16, 2018
  • Captain Marvel landing on March 8, 2019. 

Marvel also announced three untitled Marvel Studios films that will premiere on May 1, 2020, July 10, 2020, and November 6, 2020.

The great news is that we Black Panther is moved forward and we will have an Ant Man sequel but Captain Marvel will be pushed back. The movie will premier just before Avengers: Infinity War Part 2.  Let us see the new movie slate starting with next year's Captain America: Civil War.

Captain America Civil War (6 May 2016)

Doctor Strange (4 Nov 2016)

Guardians of the Galaxy 2 (5 May 2017)

Spider-Man (28 July 2017)

Thor 3 :Ragnarok (3 Nov 2017) 

Black Panther (16 February 2018)

AVENGERS: INFINITY WAR: Part 1 ( 4 May 2018)

Ant Man and The Wasp (6 July 2018)

Captain Marvel (8 March 2019)

AVENGERS: INFINITY WAR: Part 2 ( 3 May 2019)

Inhumans (12 July 2019)

Untitled Marvel Movie (1 May 2020)

Untitled Marvel Movie(10 July 2020)

Untitled Marvel Movie(6 November 2020)

I know what you're thinking. Its a gigantic list and am I gonna be alive by that time? The answer is who knows! 

I think the 3 untitled movie will be Guardians of The Galaxy 3, Dr Strange 2 and Spiderman 2. I am not really sure but it would be logical since those movie were on of the first movies in phase 3. I also think that Inhumans will be the mark of the last movie in phase 3. So the untitled movies are all in phase 4. We will see. What do you think of the news? Share your thoughts down below. Also don't forget to follow me! Until next time.

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