Friday 19 December 2014

The Hobbit: The Battle of Five Armies

I got the chance to watch the The Hobbit: The Battle of  Five Armies(TBFA) and this is my review of it. There might be spoilers ahead. You've been warned.

For the possession of gold and all the riches of Erebor, a battle was waged between the Goblins and the Wargs against Men of Dale, Elves,Dwarves, Eagles and a Shape-shifters  on and near the Lonely Mountain.

Epic. The only word I would use to describe the movie. The story line was interesting but I have some issues of it. I've been thinking what if the a person went to watch the movie without watching the first two movies? They would be completely loss. That's the thing the story line of this movie depends on the the movie before and it bugged me for quite sometimes. However, this is a sequel so why would you watch this movie without watching the other movie? The plot was amazing. It has some twist and some suspense that would take you the edge of your seat. The character was good. Throrin and Bilbo is the center of the whole movie but you should watch for Bard and Gandalf as well because all of them was awesome. Expect some cameo from the Lord of the Rings trilogy too. The audio and visual was stunning at it has classical middle-earth kind of soundtrack that could make you happy and sad at the same time.

This movie was epic, a lot of fight not just physically also mentally as well. The drama, love and action all mixed perfectly for a great movie. Recommended. 4 star.

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